
Prayer for Guidance

Father, I have knowledge, so will You show me now how to use it wisely and find a way somehow to make the world I live in a better place, and make life with its problems a bit easier to face?  


Grant me faith and courage and put purpose in my days, and show me how to serve Thee in the most effective ways, so all my education, my knowledge and my skill, may find their true fulfilment as I learn to do Your will.  


And may I ever be aware in everything I do, that knowledge comes from learning, and wisdom comes from You.


Prayers for Young People

Lord, help me to remember that nothing is going to happen today that You and I together can’t handle.


Young person’s prayer

Here I am Lord, standing at the crossroads of my life, The time has come for me to choose the road which leads to you.  I hesitate for fear of what lies ahead of me, for I am much afraid of the unknown.  

Take my hand in yours and walk with me for the road is long and there are no shortcuts.  I place myself into your hands.

You know the way. You are the Way.


Student Prayer

Lord help me to study hard, to do my best always, so I can achieve what I am capable of according to the talents and ability you have given me.  

Guide me along the right path, because I know that following your Will is what will make me happiest in life.  Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end.  Amen

Prayer for when you’re confused

Lord Jesus, I’m really confused.  I really don’t know why And I don’t know what to do and I can’t help the way I feel.  So I’m coming to You.  Lord Jesus, speak a Word to scatter the darkness in my mind and heart.  Burn away the clouds of uncertainty.  Shed a ray of Your Divine Light with its healing rays to set me straight.  Jesus, I trust in You!

Prayer in difficult moments


Lord, sometimes I find it hard to believe that you are a loving Father.  Someone close to me dies or becomes seriously ill.  A senseless tragedy occurs.  Children starve.   The poor and aged are ignored.  

People are hated because of their colour, beliefs, birthplace.  When these things happen, I want to know why Lord.  But you never answer.  And I, in darkness of faith and trust in you, can only accept.

It’s a lot like the way parents must treat their young children.   They don’t explain fire or pain to their toddler.   They simply keep the child from going close, touching the fire.  From my limited point of view, I cannot hope to understand the enormous mysteries of life.  I can try to approach them with love and compassion.  I can try to lessen, at least a little, the pain and suffering about me.  Lord, help me to do this.  Amen.

Prayer for my Friends


Jesus, I thank you for my friends.  I ask your blessing on my friends today.  Show them your great love for them, and if any are struggling or lonely, hurting or broken in any way, care for their needs and comfort them as only you can.  Give me the graces I need to be a good friend – open and trusting, caring and giving.  Help me to see my friends with your eyes, so I can see when they are hurting on the inside even though they don’t show it on the outside.  And most of all, give me your heart and your love for my friends so that I could love them as you do.

(Fr Stan Fortuna, CFR)

A Prayer for  my Future Husband

Loving Father, if I am called to the sacramental life of matrimony, hear my prayer now for the person who will be my spouse.  Be with him today and every day.  Help him through the challenges of becoming an adult and send my support in prayer through any difficulties.  In this way, may I genuinely love this person even before we meet.  I ask for help ahead of time to be respectful and honourable when we meet and begin a relationship.  I ask for help ahead of time to be faithful, supportive, strong, and as loving as I can be when we are married.  If I am privileged to help create new human beings, I pray today for my children.  You exist outside of time, and you know who they will be, so I can pray for them now.  Help me to do everything I can now to become the best parent I can be for them, from the day they are born to the day you call me home to heaven.  Amen


A Prayer for  my Future Wife

Loving Father, if I am called to the sacramental life of matrimony, hear my prayer now for the person who will be my spouse.  Be with her today and every day.  Help her through the challenges of becoming an adult and send my support in prayer through any difficulties.  In this way, may I genuinely love this person even before we meet.  I ask for help ahead of time to be respectful and honourable when we meet and begin a relationship.  I ask for help ahead of time to be faithful, supportive, strong, and as loving as I can be when we are married.  If I am privileged to help create new human beings, I pray today for my children.  You exist outside of time, and you know who they will be, so I can pray for them now.  Help me to do everything I can now to become the best parent I can be for them, from the day they are born to the day you call me home to heaven.  Amen


Helpful Youtube Videos about Prayer

Fr Mike Schmitz - The Power of Prayer

Fr Mike Schmitz - The Battle of Prayer

Fr Mike Schmitz - The Value of Silence

Fr Mike Schmitz - Tips for Praying

Fr Mike Schmitz - Ways to Read the Bible

Chris Stefanick - How do I pray?


Great Quotes for Young People